Oh lordy what a day ❤️.
I am so overwhelmed, happily overwhelmed my heart is singing, but still overwhelmed, excited and my brain is racing a million miles an hour. Sitting on the grass with Miss Matilda for 5 minutes outside in the fresh air and away from the computer screen and I think the overwhelming support, encouragement and kindness that I have experienced today is all sinking in. How in the world did I get so lucky to have so many amazing people in my life.
❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️
The response I have received today on the launch of REFRESH has been amazing, lots of people have been telling me during the lead up how excited they are for REFRESH as they really don’t like ironing but now I have truely experienced how much people really don’t enjoy this weekly task. The comments of delight at discovering REFRESH and anticipation of receiving it has made me so happy, I can’t wait to pop the bottles in the post next week and hear how people are using REFRESH in their laundry routine to make life easier.
So a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has made a purchase, shared my posts, liked and commented on Facebook and Instagram and also sent me the most beautiful messages of love and support my heart is full to overflowing and I am so so grateful for this path I am travelling 🙏
A little stock update, we are now out of the 50ml bottles and are down to our last 15 bottles of 250ml with just a few 100ml left as well, more bottles will be arriving this week so stock will be replenished quickly and we will ensure that all orders are shipped asap.
So now I am off to do 30 minutes of yoga as I promised a dear friend, who is always looking out for me, that I would make sure I look after myself during this crazy time as well.